(Sorry no pics....)
Hi mom and dad,
WOW!! Those pictures just blow my mind! That's really awesome with the ariel view of the storm path! That's a lot of hail! One elder in my Zone just asked me, "Elder Jones, is Canada even going to be there when you get back?" That's a good question!
That is crazy weather you are having though! I still puzzle and marvel over it. The weather here, in contrast, is extremely mild! It was a bit windy for a couple of days, but that's pretty much it! It is starting to get warmer and the sun is slowly starting to get higher in the sky. Seems like Fall is over and we are jumping straight into Summer! No spring or winter here! Thanks for the advice, I will do so for sure! I can't afford for anything to happen to my zone members, or myself.
This week has been pretty awesome! Lots has happened but I don't have time to share everything... Last Monday we started shooting a film that the mission President has asked that Elder Maciver make for him. It's about a man who is taking a vacation away from city in a rental car, and on the highway in the middle of no where he gets a flat, and when he checks the trunk for a jack, it's missing. So he decides he's going to borrow a jack from a nearby farmhouse. As he is walking up to the house he starts thinking about all of these things that could go wrong where the people won't want to let him borrow their jack. He thinks that maybe they'll charge him for it and what not. So by the time he gets up to the farmhouse to ask to borrow a jack, he is so angry that instead of asking for a jack from the farmer, he yells, "WHY DON'T YOU JUST KEEP YOUR JACK!!" The message behind it is that we shouldn't "assign dark motives" to other people but rather we should think positively and always give somebody the benefit of the doubt. So turns out that I'm the actor in this film, so we were filming that on Monday and we will be finishing the filming today...
Wednesday was awesome! We had a Zone Training with President Wood and we also had interviews! Lasted until 4:30, but it was very nice! Elder Mholo and I had to give 2 trainings on the importance of teaching Repentance and President Wood gave a training on Grace. His training was awesome! Pretty much all we did was watch a talk by Brad Wilcox titled, "His Grace is Sufficient." IT IS SUPER AWESOME!!!!! I highly suggest every single person who reads this to find that talk and either watch it, listen to it, or read it! It pretty much summarizes, and puts into words clearly and simply, the main lesson that I have learned as I have been on mission. If more people were to understand what he talks about, people would have such a huge jump start on eternity! It changed your perspective and view on the Atonement and on the purpose of this life! FIND IT! STUDY IT!!!
After training, President and Sister Wood came with us to an appointment with an investigator that we have. We taught the Restoration and the lesson was powerful. President and Sister Wood simply testified during the lesson, but the spirit was so strong and everything went very well! I wish I could bring them out with us for lessons every day!
Saturday we had exchanges with the Assistants to President. It went very well also. Our area is on fire right now and I love it! I am still being let down every Sunday when only 1 person rolls up to church out of the many that promise us they will. But it will come. We have been trying to give as many people as we can baptismal dates so that it will push them to come to church. We have been able to give out 5 and the goal we have for the end of the week is 11. I'm sure we will be able to achieve it! Hopefully it will funnel out for our investigators to take that next step and change their lives and become baptized. We have been working working working and I'm loving loving loving it! I've seen so many miracles and so many things that I am noticing that the Lord is doing His work here! It's incredible!
This is the last week of the transfer! How crazy is that!??!?! It feels like I just got here! This last week I'm going to work harder than my whole time here! Hopefully, if all goes well, I'll get to stay here for another transfer, but only the Lord knows... and President Wood I guess... So maybe next Monday I'll know my news... and maybe not... we'll see... Well, I hope that everyone will be able to stay safe from all these crazy storms!
Take care! I love you all tons! Thanks for the constant support from everyone!
-Elder Jones